

Nutritional qualities and health benefits

  • It contains vitamins B1, B2 and B3 or niacin, which regulate the nervous system and the digestive tract, strengthen the heart, protect the skin and hair and are essential for growth.
  • It also contains vitamins A and C, is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, tannin, oleic, palmitic, glutamic, caffeic, linoleic, aspartic, folic and ascorbic acid.
  • Its fiber content improves digestion.
  • It has astringent properties.
  • Pears Calories come from its rich carbohydrates in the form of complex sugars. The organism pours blood sugars such a gradual manner so it keeps the sated for a long time without eating anything body, which helps you lose weight.
  • It is advisable to eat pears peeled to avoid pesticides in cultivation.


Origin and cultivation

It is believed to have originated in China and spread to Europe from prehistory. 60% of pear production is in China, followed by Europe. Other countries are Argentina and Chile.

Common names

The scientific name of the plant is Pyrus communis. From there evolved a little to the current name. In spanish it is called Pera.


  • Pear trees are trees that can reach 20 meters. Able to harvest roots grown in quince to not grow much.
  • Pear is related to that apple, quince and medlar.
  • Pear was considered a delicacy in Greece and Rome.
  • Pear is an ideal weaning food for babies because of its mild flavor and the fact that rarely cause allergic reactions.


Sources consulted

Flowerdew, Bob. El gran libro de las frutas. Kyle Cathie Limited (ed. Lit.); Anna Turró/Montse Pratsobrerroca (trad.). Barcelona: RBA Libros, S.A., 2006. 256 p. ISBN: 978-84-787-1595-4

Lyle, Susanna. Enciclopedia de las frutas del mundo. David Baterman Ltd. (ed. Lit.); Parangona Realitzacio Editorial SL (trad.). Barcelona: De Vecchi, 2007. 480 p. ISBN: 978-84-315-5164-3



Foto: Autor: Karen Arnold. Fuente: pixabay.com

Commentaires (2)

  • zmaifnntkm
    zmaifnntkm 09 de Noviembre del 2024

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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